Sunday, September 19, 2010

Profile of Jodie Underhill, Mountain Cleaners founder

Jodie Underhill, the founder of the Mountain Cleaners was born in 1976 in Great Yarmouth, England. She is a committed environmentalist who enjoys world travel, fundraising, event organising and challenges. Previous jobs in the UK include legal editor, fundraising assistant, volunteer co-ordinator and carer for the elderly and people with spinal injuries.

She is the co-founder of two other groups - Love 4 Tibet and the Cornholme Community Project. She came to India last year to travel and learn about the Tibetan cause. She sponsors two children at the Tibetan Childrens Village in Chauntra. On arriving in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh in March 2009 to conduct letter writing workshops for sponsorship secretaries she was horrified to see the amount of garbage destroying the beauty of the local area. She started organizing mass clean ups in McLeod Ganj and went on to form the group the Mountain Cleaners in April 2009.

At the start of this year Jodie spent two months travelling around and learning about sustainable solutions in India such as waste management, rainwater harvesting, bio-gas & composting. Her experiences left her inspired and confident that positive and long lasting changes were possible.


  1. My name is Jodie Underhill and I am the founder of Mountain Cleaners, a voluntary organisation based in Dharamsala, India. I’ve been back in Bhagsu for over a week and about to embark on a very exciting adventure.

    I have lots of things planned for Mountain Cleaners this year and am pleased to report that things are progressing nicely. Feel free to subscribe to this blog so I can keep informed about our achievements, trials and tribulations and of course the inevitable disappointments on our path towards a cleaner, greener India.

    We are all part of something very special and this is just the beginning. Hold on to your seats this is going to be a rollercoaster journey, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

  2. jodie ur dedication is forcing me to be ur friend and learn from u as how to preserve our nature, u r owning a bitch which i like veru much b'cos the way she luv u obey u is wonderful. hope u r recognising who m i

  3. Hello, Jodie How do I get to Volunter on the Clean up of the Mount Kailash area????.Thank's Adrian.........

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  5. Jodie, I love your idea of mountain cleaning and surely would help create awareness. I along with a friend of mine yesterday during a short hike around islamabad margalla hills decided to do something similar I would appreciate if you could share your experiences the challenges faced while starting this campaign/project.

  6. Dear Jodie,

    Your talk at the last Tedx was brilliant. I just wanted to let you know that you have inspired me and if you need more volunteers,funding or any other assistance, I would be glad to be of help.

    Warm regards,

    Aditya Singhal

  7. Would like to be a part of your cause. I want my home clean too. I am from Shimla btw and I would like to share and learn.

